Getting started with iOS 9

Each developer has to update himself as the Technology  grows each day. Getting to know new stuff makes you stand out of the crowd.

First lets take a look at what is deprecated in iOS9, which API’s cannot be used anymore.

What’s deprecated?

  • The Address Book and Address Book UI frameworks has been deprecated. Use Contacts and Contacts UI instead
  • The NSURLConnection API in the foundation framework has been deprecated. Use NSURLSession APIs instead

What’s new in iOS9?

1. Multitasking enhancements for iPad

Apple enhances the multitasking experience of iPad in iOS9 by introducing following features,

  • Slide Over” provides a user-invoked overlay view on the right side of the screen.
  • Split view” displays two side-by-side apps, letting the user view, resize and interact with both of them.
  • Picture in Picture” lets an user play video in a moveable window that floats over the apps on screen

2. App Transport Security

App transport security encourages security by imposing a number of security best practices. With ATS enabled, network requests are automatically made over the HTTPS instead of HTTP.

If your app is making network requests over HTTP then you have to specify the exceptions in your info.plist.

3. 3D Touch

People can choose app-specific actions from Home screen by pressing on the app icon.

3D Touch APIs for developers:

* UIApplicationShortCut


* UITouch has new properties for supporting force touch

4. Search

Provides deep search and make your app’s content searchable.

Search APIs:


CoreSpotlight Framework

5. App Thinning

Slicing: Allows the Appstore to deliver only what is needed for installation.

On-Demand Resources: Stores additional app content in AppStore repository and delivers it over an asynchronous request or installation.

BitCode: Archive your app for submission to the AppStore in an intermediate representation

6. Live Photos (From iOS9.1)

Allows user to capture their favourite moments as a Live photo (Include more content and before & after images). PHLivePhoto has been added to Photos framework to support Live photos.

7. APIs for supporting Apple Pencil (Stylus)

UITouch has been updated with the following methods.






8. UIStackView

Stack views provide a way to lay out a series of views horizontally or vertically. By configuring a few simple properties such as alignment, distribution, and spacing, you can define how the contained views adjust themselves to the available space.

9. Storyboard References

This gives a easy way to organise multiple storyboards in same project. If you and another developer is working on the same storyboard, you may face issues(Conflicts) in committing the Project. Using this we can split up like one storyboard for each use case.

10. UI Testing using XCTest Framework

For UI Testing XCTest has been added with UITesting bundle which can be used from Xcode7 and iOS9.

Happy learning !!! I will be writing soon for all the mentioned above features in detail.